I wouldn't be surprised if, people walk out on this one when this comes out in the Caribbean. It might be funny to some, but it also sends a negative message to the younger audience about different cultures. But the writers just can't incorporate cuss words into a kid's movie like that. I'm proud of my Jamaican culture and dialect and that many people would love to learn & experience it. And so, I felt quite embarrassed listening to the context in how it was done. But seriously now, both roles were controversially laced with cuss words taken from the Jamaican dialect (thankfully that most Americans don't understand).

Doug (Bernie) they both couldn't have done the 'Jellyfish Rastas Duo' roles better. I'm not taking anything from Ziggy Marley (Ernie) & Doug E. The plot was awesome, and I had laughs, but the writers really tried too hard to make this movie too funny, and they're going to lose international credibility for it.a whole lot. After seeing the opening today I have to admit.Shark's Tale was one of the corniest movie I've seen in my life.CORNY to the bone.